Asus Narra2 Drivers For Mac

  1. Asus narra2 drivers for mac Narra2 gl8e and features vary by asus narra2, and all images are illustrative. Processor vl8e narra2 information Socket type: Show less Show more.
  2. Tomilomsen, Welcome to The HTG Forums. HP site is not very helpful. The Asus M2N68-LA was probably really fabricated for Asus by their Asrock facilities.
  3. Download Motherboard Drivers. ASUSTek Computer INC. NARRA2 Driver, BIOS Update.

As a suggestion, you might want to consider building your own Asus PC next time. There NON-OEM mother boards come with a driver package for their boards. Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance.

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Product: a6112n
Question: M2N68-LA
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That yields you the a6112n support page

(Your Product Specifications state you have a:
Athlon 64 X2 (B) 4000+ 2.1 GHz (65W)

'...i'm willing to throw down 50-100 dollars
to make my computer a bit faster.'


If you don't have the money to spare for both a cpu and a video card / possibly also a power supply, if you're presently using onboard video, you'll definately notice the most difference if you get the latter.
Plus - you can probably use the video card and possibly any higher capacity PS in a future computer as well. )

Click on the link to M2N68-LA (Narra2)

'The HP site says i can upgrade to a max of 5600
(89w). My question is that when i'm shopping around,
do I need to make sure the watts match up (89w)? '

You can use one that consumes less power, but don't get one that consumes more than that !
Some of the AM2+ mboards are well known to have circuits that will BURN OUT if you install a cpu that consumes more power !

However, it appears you can install up to a 6000+ 89 watt one (there is also a 6000+ 125 watt version).
By the way, the boxed set (cpu plus heatsink/fan) 6000+ comes with an EXCELLENT heatpiped heatsink.

Post #6

'....there many different configurations of the M2N68-LA (Ivy(ASUS), Narra(ASUS), Narra2(ASUS), Narra3(ASUS), Narra5(Pegatron), Narra5L(Pegatron), Ivy8(ASUS)) used by HP; all with slightly different specs.'

' Processors: '

'Narra/Narra2 supports X2 up to 5600+ up to 89 watt Socket AM2 Processor (currently AMD Athlon™ X2 6000+) '

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That's assuming HP's bios version recognizes the 6000+ properly, of course, which it may not.

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NOTE that there newer X2 cpus that consume 89 watts or less, but it is quite likely this older mboard's bios version cannot recognize them !

If you DO go for installing a better video card.....
...adding to the info grasshopper supplied

If you're presently using the onboard video, you certainly WILL get better fps rates in games if you install a decent video card and use that instead.
Your same mboard ram amount will perform better, in addition to the ram amount presently being shared with the onboard video probably being freed up for use by Windows - sharing ram with the onboard video as much as halves the ram's max bandwidth - max data transfer rate - when the onboard video is disabled (usually installing a video card in a PCI-E X16 or AGP slot auto disables the onboard video, and in that case, the ram installed in the mboard is then no longer shared with the onboard video) the ram can then perform to it's rated max bandwidth - you notice the difference most when you use a program that benefits from the greater bandwidth - e.g. fast moving video, or the video in a more recent game.

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'My system is stock psu (300 watts)'

Your power supply must have at least the minumum capacity required to support a system with the graphics card you are using installed, or the max graphics card you might install in the future.
(Onboard video - video built into the mboard - IS NOT A CARD ! )
If that info is not in the ad for the video card, you can go to the video card maker's web site and look up the specs for the model - often under system requirements - the minimum PS wattage, and, more important, the minimum amperage the PS must supply at 12v is stated. If you don't find that, any card with the same video chipset including any letters after the model number has very similar minimum PS requirements. Some power supplies have two or more +12v ratings - in that case, add those ratings to determine the total +12v current capacity.

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If you're a gamer.....
In most if not all cases, the max capacity rating of the PS is an intermittant rating. It's recommended that you do not load your PS to any more that 80% of that rating if you are going to be using something that puts a constant load on it, such as playing a recent game for hours on end. In that case, you multiply the min capacity stated for the system with the particular video chipset on the card by 1.25 to find the min. capacity of the PS you should get.

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If you need to get a PS with more capacity, you can usually replace it with any decent standard sized standard ATX PS.

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Standard (PS/2) power supply size - 86mm high, 150mm wide, 140mm deep, or 3 3/8' h x 5 7/8' w x 5 1/2' d , or very close to that, though the depth can be more or less for some PSs.

Hp Drivers For Mac

Don't buy an el-cheapo PS.
See response 3 in this: